The stress of moving didn't really hit until a few weeks before the actual move and then the grief that followed from leaving something that had been so familiar came in waves. Driving by the children's old school or going to the store would bring deep emotions of attachment that I didn't even realize were there. It wasn't until we found a home that I was able to transfer all my emotions into new dreams of what was ahead of us once we moved.
The first few nights were okay but on the third night I awoke to the sound of water running through the house. I jumped out of bed sleepy eyed thinking the whole house was filled with water as we had just had the water heater replaced the day before. stumbling out into the living room I saw that the door was wide open as the sprinklers were going off in the front yard. It was then that I realized that my beloved pets could have easily slipped out in the middle of the night in a strange neighborhood. I immediately called, waking up my husband who quickly counted the number of heads in our house hold and realized we were one short. The kitten was gone!
The day before I had also locked myself out of the house for three hours in the back yard. I had gone out to dry a towel on one of the lawn chairs at 2:30 in the afternoon. We had also placed a padlock on the gate as we have a pool so I was in a little bind in the Texas heat. Lucky for me we did have a pool so I was able to keep myself cooled off until my husband found me when he came home from work. I ignored his comment about how surprised he was that I had bought a new bathing suit and after I was drying off he realized it wasn't a bathing suit that I was swimming in.
1st Photograph - Ana - Taos NM
2nd Photograph - Ana - Napa Valley CA
3rd Photograph - Steve - Napa Valley CA