What is it that truly defines you? Is it the clothes that you wear, your job, the people you hang out with, money, position or your family? What makes you, You? Do you define yourself with the things that other people think or see?
Is it your reputation, how you deliver yourself and handle yourself in front of others so that you put on a tight corset around your inner being and can only be this certain type of person who others deem worthy that becomes a definition of the self? No, I am not saying to lose your integrity but remember who are you trying to impress?
Who is the real you and if others catch a glimps of the real you will they go off screaming? I doubt it........ What are we as humans trying to hide? What are the things that put fire and passion in our lives as we seek to learn and grow in our own experiences? Who in your life do you let define who you are and you realise that they are only projecting their own lives and fears?
What is it like, to not walk in someone else's footsteps and tare off the mask that we all wear to be who others define us to be? How hard is it to make that break and be comfortable with our true selves and talents? What does it take to be comfortable with who we are inside?
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