Now everyone at least once in their lifetimes goes through some kind of emotional trauma or heart break. It is just part of our human experience. But what I found so fascinating was that even after we work on confronting these emotional injuries and healing them, some of the trauma may still be left over as it was recorded somewhere deep within our cellular tissues. So often when we think that we have moved passed it all then something totally out of the blue triggers a response from an old wound bringing back emotional attachments to an event or occurrence. It is not until we revisit the emotional incident without being affected by it that we make some progress in healing to have peace in letting go of the trigger.
An example of this would be over eating. There are many reasons why a person over eats but I am only mentioning a few to help demonstrate the process. One example is a person who has not been able to have enough food and when they do they over compensate for not having it. Another example is someone who is emotionally abused who uses food as an emotional crutch. Physical abuse can lead to over eating to gain weight to protect the body. All of these tendencies are usually unconscious leaving the person wondering why they are over eating not really recognizing that there is another reason for it.
Most people have learned the process of bottling up or blocking the emotions somewhere in early childhood. Because of this it can be hard to let go of trauma or old wounds that still reside in the emotional, cellular and spiritual bodies. It is up to each individual to learn from and process the information that is brought up in allowing the energy pattern to flow and move out of these bodies. Emotions are neither good or bad as they are there to help us learn and gather information form an experience. If they become blocked in these bodies they can lead to emotional trauma or turmoil or even illness within the physical body.
A Technique
Something that is taught by some spiritual teachers is to take a few moments to go in a quite meditation finding your center. Then you can scan your body while asking where the block or emotion is coming from. By doing this it will help you track down where it is within the body that is holding on to the block which can be very telling of what is going on with the self. If you are familiar with chakras you may want to work with the body that way and if not, then you can sit with the energy to locate the energy block. These subtle energies may show up as a sound, color, signal, feeling, memory, picture, or it may just tell you. Take whatever shows up without judgement only allowing yourself to recognize and accept what is showing up. After locating the blocked energy in the body it is important to ask that particular part of the body, what memory was trapped within the cells that caused the emotion or physical trauma to stir up. Trust what comes as it will be embedded within the cellular structure of the cells.
If you have a memory with the emotions attached honor what it is being shown to you. Grant yourself the chance to process the information and let the energy move out of your body and energy fields by finding your sense of center and grounding it in love. Healing may not occur in one session so you may want to revisit continuing to work allowing the energy pattern to move through and out of your system. After all we are energy beings and energy was meant to move not stand still or become stuck. After each session then imagine a big ball of golden light filling your up aura and your body. By doing this it allows the healing light to enter and heal the cells and any emotional and physical scars.
As we learn to honor our feelings and allow the energy to flow through us we become balanced, while embracing the higher energy frequencies in and around us. We become more open and in tune with our higher self and with Source. It is this that we remember from where we all came from and which we are a part of.