Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Gift of Stones

I have had a lot of people ask how the different types of stones have healing properties, and the best way I know how to explain this is by the atomic make up of the stones.

As most of you know from science classes in school everything is made up of atoms. Everything has its own way of being put together with the atoms so that it is created. With this simple idea you can then see that a piece of jade has a different atomic structure than a diamond.

Now, think of the ways the atoms move within each stone. You can't see them with your eyes but you know they are there. Also, know that your energy field can pick up the movement because your energy field is also made out of the atoms that are constantly moving.

So now you have a person who's energy field is weak because of something they are going through. Remember to that emotions are energy, so that means their energy is not vibrating as high as it would if they were happy or excited.

For example....emotional trauma which like to settle in the heart area. Ever have a heartache? A stone like green diopside resonates a healing vibration of atoms that helps sooth the heart as it fills in the gaps. Almost like a cup of herbal tea only you don't drink it. "Smile"

It is like a guitar in a music store where you can pluck a string and the other guitars will resonate on the same string even though you never touched them. They are in tune with the vibration of that note. You are no different than a fine tuned instrument that can get out of balance or tuned. And the things that are around you are also inline with your energies as you live on this earth.

Don't forget that color also has a vibrational energy that can be measured and will also help with healing for the same reasons. They can play a big part of why you reach for certain colors in stones as you need to be in sync or need that healing property in your energy field.

No magic here, just science. A natural process of living...

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