When we mention the word fear it seems to carry so many stigmas attached to it. Yet, it is one of the most helpful emotions that we can have in recognizing and releasing old energy patterns within ourselves that no longer serve us. Often when fear comes up we may already be conditioned to believe that we are experiencing something else besides what is really going on. Fear is one of those emotions that tends to be masked by other emotions so that we can hide it from ourselves. If we really take the time to trace the emotions of anger, judgment, grief, shock, disappointment, rejection, failure, even pain, to name a few we find that they are only extensions of fear leading back to the original source.
So many times when we are confronted or triggered by something we are afraid of we may find that we either shut down, react, or even become stuck in old baggage when it rears its head. Then there are those times we may find ourselves facing a fear that feels so overwhelming to explore and release, we began to live through others so that we can cover it up not dealing with what is happening inside us. In retrospect it looks good from the outside as it masquerades as helping others but the truth be known its only putting off what will show itself over and over until we take the time to heal it. Another side of fear is when we don't recognize and release these patterns and we project our fears on to others. If the person we are are helping is not able to stand in their own personal power they can be forced to wear our dirty laundry. This only perpetuates the cycle of fear and is a lot like the mythical monster whose head Hercules cut off only to be replaced by two others as it multiplied.
So what is the good news about fear you may ask? First is recognizing that the emotion of fear can be a powerful tool. The test is to decide that we are ready to make a change in the course of our lives in mastering a fear that no longer serves a purpose. The emotion of fear is an energy pattern that runs through us and radiates off us into the energy around us. Just observe any animal reacting to you when you are in a fear mode. Then it is understanding that some of our fears are instinct and those are the ones to pay attention to as they help us to avoid danger. It is the conditioned fears that hold us captive that are not healthy for us to continue to keep that need to be addressed when making this decision. The key is to remember that fear is made up of beliefs, thoughts, and ideas which are energy patterns not only circulating in our minds but also in our physical bodies.
The tool works when we are conscious that we are being emotionally triggered allowing us to have the opportunity to work on it. It is peeling back the layers and learning to look past the emotions that come up so we can pinpoint the source of the fear. Educating yourself and doing research about the fear by reading up on it, going to counseling, joining a group that is working on it, talking about it with others is a wonderful way to prepare yourself on how to recognize it when it pops up. This is retraining your mind as it begins to grasp the pattern so that you can see it in others or situations around you. That is when you have the choice to participate or to allow yourself to release the old energy as it also moves through you. By replacing an old experience with a new one you can also train your body to learn that the fear no longer serves a purpose.
I am not going to say this is easy because it doesn't always happen over night or instantaneously. It takes time, energy, and patience when we are moving through an experience and working on dissolving a old fear pattern. What is important is having the courage to be gentle with ourselves knowing we are in a safe place, finding our center, Identifying the fear, and taking a breath as we step into our own personal power. In the end we have the power to move through it and eventually let go.
Photographs by Steve Noyce - Terrell, TX
So what is the good news about fear you may ask? First is recognizing that the emotion of fear can be a powerful tool. The test is to decide that we are ready to make a change in the course of our lives in mastering a fear that no longer serves a purpose. The emotion of fear is an energy pattern that runs through us and radiates off us into the energy around us. Just observe any animal reacting to you when you are in a fear mode. Then it is understanding that some of our fears are instinct and those are the ones to pay attention to as they help us to avoid danger. It is the conditioned fears that hold us captive that are not healthy for us to continue to keep that need to be addressed when making this decision. The key is to remember that fear is made up of beliefs, thoughts, and ideas which are energy patterns not only circulating in our minds but also in our physical bodies.
The tool works when we are conscious that we are being emotionally triggered allowing us to have the opportunity to work on it. It is peeling back the layers and learning to look past the emotions that come up so we can pinpoint the source of the fear. Educating yourself and doing research about the fear by reading up on it, going to counseling, joining a group that is working on it, talking about it with others is a wonderful way to prepare yourself on how to recognize it when it pops up. This is retraining your mind as it begins to grasp the pattern so that you can see it in others or situations around you. That is when you have the choice to participate or to allow yourself to release the old energy as it also moves through you. By replacing an old experience with a new one you can also train your body to learn that the fear no longer serves a purpose.
I am not going to say this is easy because it doesn't always happen over night or instantaneously. It takes time, energy, and patience when we are moving through an experience and working on dissolving a old fear pattern. What is important is having the courage to be gentle with ourselves knowing we are in a safe place, finding our center, Identifying the fear, and taking a breath as we step into our own personal power. In the end we have the power to move through it and eventually let go.
Photographs by Steve Noyce - Terrell, TX
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