We as human beings have so many things in our lives that we have to balance. We are constantly in the motion of balancing the checkbook, work, play, kids, house, relationships, health, food and the list goes on...
It seems that it is in those times when we are out of balance in some aspect of our lives that our soul seems to weaken. Our minds and bodies follow this by over compassionating and creating more friction in our lives that we either become ill or depressed. Often we look for medication or Doctors to solve our problems or some way to push it down inside as we continue the vicious cycle of our busy lives rather than finding what is screaming that it is out of balance.
Other times we look to others and their problems to focus on, rather then looking inside ourselves for the answer. I am reminded of flying on an airplane when the Stewardess tells us that in case of an emergency that when the masks drop down we are to place the mask on our own heads first and then place the mask on others. We can't help others when we are unconscious.
Now here is the funny part, so often we pick others in our lives unconsciously facing the same trials and tribulations as ourselves. It is almost like we are trying to solve our problems though them and when we do we can heal ourselves. The only problem is that we all heal and learn on different levels of the spectrum, so if they are ahead or behind us it can cause problems in the relationship. Again we are talking about balance. What does this lead to gossip, anger, sadness and a wide variety of other emotions that send out warning signals.
I had a wonderful Teacher in my life tell me that,"healing is very self centered".
It is all about you and you alone. This goes against the grain of our culture but it is a huge step in being aware and being aware of the true self. By making this step, the next step is locating where the balance in our lives is out of balance. Looking within and not looking at others so that we find the cause to move though the process of healing allowing our soul, body and mind to reconnect and once again we become one with our true selves.
Love and Peace
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