Growing up there was a popular movie at the time staring Steve Martin called "The Jerk". In it he was looking for his special purpose. Now as I am older I find that I meet so many people in life who are changing their careers and their life styles starting from their 30's. The phrase "I don't know what I want to be when I grow up" is often the topic of lunch or groups as they are going back to school or changing jobs and careers
No, this is not all about money. People with high paying jobs are leaving their positions and seeking out ways to help others or finding something that is more in sink to meet the needs of satisfying what is calling out to their heart.
I remember when one of my friend's husband announced that he was no longer going to be an Engineer but was going back to Grad school to be an Architect. They had three children and another on the way and she was a full time mom. This was awhile ago and I know that the rest of us didn't understand the change in lifestyle. But now he and the family are very happy and he enjoys going to work every day doing what he loves the most. She is still a full time Mom and amazing at that.
Others as they come in and out of my life are making changes in their lives and some are being pushed on to other paths by unknown forces. I do believe that we are all created to have a special purpose in life and that often we don't see it because we are too focused on at what we have at the time.
Often we are too afraid to move and so we are then moved to fit into the Creator's bigger plan. It seems that most of us are still searching and many of us are taking the big plunge but when it comes down to it all we are all looking for the same thing which is finding where we fit in and what we are called to do in this beautiful world of ours.
As Steve Martin says in the movie, " Look Ma, I found my Special Purpose!"
Many Blessings,
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