Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Effect of the Spiritual Bodies

I think one of the hardest things to learn in life is how not to get caught up in our own emotions. As human beings emotions are really meant to be a blessing in our lives. They were created to be used as tools to gauge where we need to clear our spiritual and physical bodies. What ends up happening in most cases is that we get caught up in the human drama leaving a wound or scar that likes to replay itself over and over either in our mind or in our cells. When this happens it is hard to remember that our emotions were created to help us to release those energies that are creating the imbalances.

When an emotional energy is stuck it will linger in the spiritual bodies before working its way into the physical body. As we continue to hold on to our raw emotions allowing them to build up or even ignoring them they began to manifest themselves into a physical illness making themselves at home in our physical bodies.

Last week while I was out doing an errand I visited with a women who was at one of the stores that I was at. For some reason our chat led to the subject of illness where she shared a story about how susceptible she was to pneumonia. Now I know that pneumonia is something that affects the lungs which is often where the emotion of grief likes to hide in the physical body. When she finished I asked her if she was grieving. She answered, "No" and went on to explain that she wasn't feeling sad at all. Confused by her answer I let the subject drop.

As she continued she began to share more of her life which was very sad. I found myself feeling deep compassion for this women that I had just met and her plight in life. When we parted ways I pursued my mission of finishing my errand not thinking much more about my encounter until I was almost home. It was then that I made the connection realizing that she really was carrying a lot of grief from everything that had and was still happening in her life. It was in those times when she couldn't handle the grief that the illness would flair up. She was unaware of the grief that was being pushed aside but it all came out in her stories about her life.

When I was studying Qigong my master teacher taught us where the emotions can get stuck in the physical body when they are not cleared from the spiritual and emotional bodies. Grief as I have mentioned is found in the lungs while fear is more comfortable hiding in the kidneys and bladder.  The emotion of anger likes to hid in the liver and affects the eyes. Worry is found in the spleen or stomach area making it more susceptible to ulcers. Then there is stress which likes to hid in the heart and brain organs.

As we learn about ourselves we find again how connected we are even when we are unaware of what is happening right in front of us. Even our physical and spiritual bodies are connected as we learn that illness can often be stopped from entering the body if dealt with first in the spiritual body. It all starts in the ether moving out into the physical field. 

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