I know at least one time in our lives we may have come across the phrase "Physician, heal thy self." So as an energy practitioner this is a guideline that most us try to follow which can lead down the path to some very interesting experiences.
Just a little background. I wanted to raise the frequency in my energy field. So, to begin, I decided to focus on my eating habits and the chemistry in my body. This meant cleaning up my diet, exercising, and drinking lots of water with lemon. Also, to complete the regimen, I did a full energetic body scan and found Candida. Knowing this really needed to be cleared up I made the decision to take the easy way out and jumpstart the whole process by doing a candida cleanse that I found at the Whole Foods market in the vitamin section. I soon found that the cleanse turned out to be a taxing experience on my body when trying to keep up with my work and family schedules. Instead of raising my energy fields I ended up lowering them. Removing the toxins out of the body can be hard on it. Then I became tired and cranky, not allowing myself extra time to rest and heal.
Wednesday, I ended up having three different people call me, who were in crisis, that I have been working with in the past. Usually I can handle the energy because it bounces off my fields and I can hold my power but that day I didn't feel it bounce off and somewhere between the calls I began fighting a major headache and feeling flu like symptoms. Doing another energy assessment of my body I found that I was beaten down and was absorbing lower vibrations from the energy around me making me feel physically sick.
Exhausted, I fell asleep at 6:30pm with a heavy headache taking Tylenol which I never do unless I am in major pain and given up. At 9:30pm I awoke with not only a headache but my bones ached and I felt sick to my stomach. Again I tried to clear myself and it didn't work. I went back to bed and slept through the night only to wake up with the headache and flu like symptoms at 5am.
Here is the really cool thing!!! Feeling sorry for myself, I woke up my husband Steve, who is a huge blessing in my life, and we started to watch a movie to get my mind off of my pain. Somewhere in doing that I had a barrage of images of things that led up to my situation. So here I am laying in bed that morning sick, and digging a bigger hole in which to wallow, thinking of all the phone calls I needed to make to clear the day, so I can rest when I was hit with a feeling of extreme gratefulness which came out of nowhere. The memory of my friend Mary who is an Acutonics practitioner who had offered a few days before to treat me to a tuning fork session on Friday as a gift would be there the next day to help me. With that gratitude it all of a sudden dawned on me that I also had the unique opportunity to feel what others feel when they are in this state of physical pain. It was in that very moment that I started to get really excited to be able to work on myself from the inside out instead of working from the outside in to find a way to help others.
As I was thinking about what I could learn, I got this tingling feeling inside my solar plexus that was so exhilarating that pure joy burst out of the solar plexus surging into my energy fields. It was like the excitement I used to feel when I was little girl and got up Christmas morning to see what Santa had left me. It happened so quickly. My body started to vibrate and I could feel the pain lifting and leaving my body. Within the hour all the pain and flu like symptoms were completely gone. My bones and spine didn't hurt leaving me with a feeling of being well, and empowered. I even went walking in our neighborhood with Steve and our little dog that morning.
Steve always asks me what I learned from anything I go through...
What I learned... I was again reminded that we all have the power to clear ourselves and heal with the power of our thoughts and the way we look at life in general! I am also grateful to the loving people that I love in my life who inspire me.
I kept my appointments that day...
Photographs by Ana, California
Wednesday, I ended up having three different people call me, who were in crisis, that I have been working with in the past. Usually I can handle the energy because it bounces off my fields and I can hold my power but that day I didn't feel it bounce off and somewhere between the calls I began fighting a major headache and feeling flu like symptoms. Doing another energy assessment of my body I found that I was beaten down and was absorbing lower vibrations from the energy around me making me feel physically sick.
Here is the really cool thing!!! Feeling sorry for myself, I woke up my husband Steve, who is a huge blessing in my life, and we started to watch a movie to get my mind off of my pain. Somewhere in doing that I had a barrage of images of things that led up to my situation. So here I am laying in bed that morning sick, and digging a bigger hole in which to wallow, thinking of all the phone calls I needed to make to clear the day, so I can rest when I was hit with a feeling of extreme gratefulness which came out of nowhere. The memory of my friend Mary who is an Acutonics practitioner who had offered a few days before to treat me to a tuning fork session on Friday as a gift would be there the next day to help me. With that gratitude it all of a sudden dawned on me that I also had the unique opportunity to feel what others feel when they are in this state of physical pain. It was in that very moment that I started to get really excited to be able to work on myself from the inside out instead of working from the outside in to find a way to help others.
Steve always asks me what I learned from anything I go through...
What I learned... I was again reminded that we all have the power to clear ourselves and heal with the power of our thoughts and the way we look at life in general! I am also grateful to the loving people that I love in my life who inspire me.
I kept my appointments that day...
Photographs by Ana, California
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