Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Snap Back!

This past week the rubber band has been really prevalent in the work that I am doing. "Why?" you might ask? Well, it has to do again with energy patterns and one of my favorite topics on energy is the emotional body. What we have to remember is that an emotion is only set up as a warning of something that is occurring in our life that throws us off balance. When it does we have the choice to be caught up in the emotional drama or to recognize that the emotion is a red light signaling we need to make a self check on what is going on with ourselves.

So with that background, it is for us to understand that part of our human experience is that we sometimes fall into autopilot and when we are triggered by an event or another person we snap back like a rubber band into the old pattern, responding without thinking or remembering we have a choice in our response.

The really cool thing is that it works both ways. If we take the time to become couscous when our emotions are triggered we can train ourselves to override the old program of responding negatively or losing control. By mastering the art of controlling our response we send signals throughout the body that we are in a place of personal power rather then being victimized and that is the whole game changer right there.

One of the techniques of the martial artist is to be in control of the emotional body. Emotions can cloud the mind and take over the response of the body in a confrontation. The idea of the Snap back is that if we have been working on ourselves and we fall back into an old pattern we can always reverse the energy because what we have accomplished in our change is rewritten in our cellar structure and can be consciously called back. The idea is not to go into a downward spiral because we had a setback but to remember that the groundwork is already there when we participate in our own healing. It is then our choice to sever the tie to the old responses.

photographs by Steve Noyce

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