Learning about energy and working with it is something that I really enjoy now that I am more aware of it. I don't think that people even realize how much it effects our everyday living.
Now here is the part that everyone forgets, the part that we learned in grade school that everything is made up of those atoms and tiny molecules. Everything is buzzing because it is moving whether we see it or not. Most of the time your body detects it without your knowledge. Kind of like your heart beating and you never think about it. It just does........
Think about this..... when you walk into a crowed room of people and you began to pick up emotions which is raw energy you are drawn to cretin people in that room. As you talk you find that you may have a lot in common and if you don't you quickly move to find someone else that seems to fit your energy pattern. This can mean a friend, romantic or healing match. It is always there......
As someone who is learning about energy I learned that our bodies put out this flow of energy that moves though us like an oscillating fountain. It is constantly in motion inside and out.
When we are healthy then it moves and flows though our bodies restoring and repairing it. It is like the blood flowing though our veins bringing nutrients to the body only energy gives us a feeling of health and vitality.
Now, when it is not flowing then we feel slow, sluggish and tired not quite ourselves. Yes, energy can get stuck when our emotions are out of whack or
we have run ourselves into the ground. When this happens then we are more prone to diseases and if we are already carrying one it can cause great distress and make it more active.
The idea of energy is to keep it flowing and moving though the body like it was designed to do.
I must confess that I was not a believer until I was visiting my Mom in Taos, NM. I was having allergies form the construction at the place where I worked and it had turned into a big infection so I took some time off to see Mom. Flying and getting on a bus with people on a two hour ride from the airport in Albuquerque did not help at all. By the time I got there I collapsed and was miserable. My ears had closed up and nose had stopped up. You know the regular allergy stuff.....
Mom finely said, "You know Ana I have this friend and she is known as a Healer and she might be able to help you." I was taking drugs and nothing seemed to help and at that point I would have done anything. "OK," I said as I blew my nose for the millionth time feeling like it was going to fall off....
She called her friend and Jean came over. I didn't know what to expect, I just wanted relief from my state. I remember she came over and they began to talk just about their regular day to day things and as they did Jean asked me to sit down on a chair where she pulled one up next to me and placed her hands behind my head and on my neck.
I remember the feeling of a warm rush of heat running through my head and into my sinus that ran down though my nose and ears as they began to open up. I could hear and breath without my nose being blocked. The warm heat then began to flow though my chest and into my lungs that had been fighting for breath which started to relax as my body stopped fighting. She only worked on me for 10 min and without missing word of conversation said goodbye and left to do other things on her agenda. I went to bed and slept for the first time in weeks a very sound and deep sleep.
When I awoke I asked my Mom for her number and scheduled an hour session with her. I didn't know what she did but I was now a true believer. I met her at her home where she did her work the next day. As I laid on her table thinking what am I doing, she bought out this bowl and stuck it over my body which sounded like a thud..... OK, OK, Lets get on with it, I thought as she did this...... Not knowing where this was going........
She laid her hands on my feet and worked her way up to the top of my head telling me what she was doing the whole time she was working. I never felt invaded or uncomfortable and to my amazement my body began to relax again and I started to fight off the sleep. After she finished she got out her bowls and stuck them. It was amazing... the sound had changed from a thud to a clear bell sound and I could feel the vibration of the bowl ring though my whole body. I could feel it and knew where I felt it inside as my body began to sing with vibration with the bowls.
I came home that weekend healed and a new person. As soon as I could I started to read and learn more about working with energy and Reiki. I found a teacher in Arlington and signed up for the class! Now, I know what it is like to be on both sides of the table.
Many Blessings,