Thursday, January 8, 2009

Healing Reciepe

True healing only happens within ourselves as we discover that we have the power to change. I must admit that for years I never understood this but as I grow older I am aware that I am the one who holds myself captive. It is though balancing our lives again that the healing of self can really begin.

Remember that phrase "Free will", well, it is all up to us. I am not saying that we don't need the help of the Creator but it is our agreement to change that moves the blocks in our lives.

If we can remember in our too busy lives just how complex we are as human beings then we might take a little time to understand that healing is a balance of the body, mind and soul that connects us all. As we were created in the image of God we should celebrate just how special we are.

Of course healing is really a verb which is action word. It means just that, that we take action in our own lives and if we can not then we ask for help either form the divine or someone else.

I would like to talk a little about our bodies.....which I just find fascinating in of themselves. The whole antoymaity and chemistry alone make it a wonder. The care of our bodies is as you have heard all of your lives so important that I wont lecture.

We need to eat, excersize and love ourselves in the physical sense. By doing that without comparison and judgments of others we move into a healthier state of being.

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