Sunday, August 10, 2014

"The Illusion of Separation"

When I was growing up my father who was unique in his own way and some would call a cosmic cowboy would often like to tell stories around the campfire in his tepee. One of the stories that he liked to tell was handed down to him from one of his good friends who was a medicine man who practiced among his people in New Mexico.

The story as I recall was a creation story which started with the Great Spirit or the Creator who was creating everything and anything with a single thought. One word in the mind of the Great Spirit and it would come into being. When my father told the story as he was a great story teller and would go to great lengths into the details of the whole narrative. What I remember now since it has been a long number of years was that when the Great Spirit was creating the universe as we know it he spent a great deal of love and compassion forming the idea of what his creation would be like. In that moment it became formed in the physical dimension. It was when the Creator of all things was examining it and tenderly enjoying his work that his hand slipped and he dropped it. It was when he dropped his exquisite creation that it cracked and then shattered into many pieces.

At first the Great Spirit was sad that his beautiful creation had broken but when he picked up the pieces he discovered that the pieces wanted to fit back together again to become whole. One of the pieces was a being that broke into two creating male and female. To the Creator's delight he had created something different and brought into light the desire to be united as one and to the Great Spirit himself. It was with that single thought he saw that his masterpiece had an intelligence and was good so he left it for the pieces to reunite with each other to become one again.

The reason I bring up this little story of creation was that I was reminded last week that often we forget weather we are conscious of it or not that there is still deep within us written in our subconscious and our DNA a feeling of wanting to be united as a whole not only to each other but to the Great Spirit of all. What I see is a world with the illusion that separates us from each other. We as humans and our thought process we wonder about with amnesia wondering why we exist and how we are supposed to be connected. We find in what we create or often what we see and experience is the separation with a longing need to be united. We want world peace yet we choose sides and place our energy with one or the other. We separate ourselves by race, religion, ideas, politics, economics etc...

What I find so powerful is if we as a whole on a conscious level come to the conclusion that we are far from being separated and recognize that we have swallowed the illusion of separation. If we were to awaken to the understanding that on a higher level of consciousness that we are created out of the same matter by the same thought of our Creator then there wouldn't be anything we couldn't accomplish. We as a whole could raise the bar to creating a space to open up for compassion and acceptance of each other, ourselves, the animals, plants and the earth it's self. What a paradise that would be... 

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