Monday, May 23, 2016


I don't know why we have days when we are very aware and others when we just go through the motions while taking life in stride.  Looking back I realize we have all been through some major shifts. I always have a clearer picture when I first wake up from a good night's sleep than I do when I am right in the middle of something just going about my usual day.

Yesterday, after talking to a few friends, I ran into some major fears about being open about their gifts. It is interesting to know that even now there are still many people feeling that there is a lot of persecution going on. Surprisingly enough, it is the lower energy of fear that calls out to the lower energies in the world that create this experience of being attacked.

You might have heard the term "Like attracts Like." With that, look around at your friends and who is in your life. We just can't help being with those that we can relate to and those who are like us. This does not change, even on the other side. It was a few years ago that I learned that there are really only two major types of emotions, one is love and the other is fear. Everything else falls under one of those categories.

This is why it is good to be mindful that it is fear that the lower energies feed on, and it is fear that attracts those who feel comfortable in those lower emotions. When you work and live in the vibration of love, then there is no room for fear, and for any reason to lose or gain power to control others or a situation. It is the love that shines a light on darkness, which opens the doors for healing and spiritual growth.

Sounds simple?

Photographs by Steve Noyce

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