Saturday, January 4, 2014

Beginning and End

Years ago I was sitting in a class that my fire walker friend Daniel D'Neuville was teaching when he asked everyone, "Where does the universe begin and end?"  At the time I thought that was a very strange question as it made no sense to me. Then as I sat there, and pondered I saw this swirl of planets out in the universe, but again it didn't add up. Daniel our teacher then just waited for all of us to contemplate on the question, but the answers in my head were all leading me to a dead end.

It wasn't until I got tired of the question, and my mind rested on where I was setting that the answer hit me! "Of course it's inside of me!" Then I realized that it is not only in me, but in every living being. A flash of me when I was a child realizing that one day I would die, and the sun, and the earth would go on without me. The sun would still rise, and the moon will still shine, but I would no longer walk this earth. The universe from my own perspective, and with everyone else starts within our own experience that we are aware of.

Then Daniel after awhile said to the group,"The answer is it starts, and ends from exactly where you are". I have to admit that it made me smile as it made sense.

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