Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Something that I wanted to bring up is the subtle way human beings can connect with each other. When I say that I mean more than just sharing our thoughts, feelings or even having physical contact. As human beings each of us have the ability to pick up on each others emotions or even feel what another person is going through.

What is amazing to me is that we can pick up on those that we care about even hundreds of miles away. My Grandmother shared a story with me which happened during WWII about such a connection. At that time  she was living in California and my grandfather was stationed over seas. She said that during that time they would have blackouts where everyone turned off their lights and went in doors so that if they were invaded the planes couldn't see the town as clearly.

It was during one of the blackouts that something happened that really scared my grandmother as she gather the children, my mom and uncle into the house. She told me that while she was going through it fear had really gripped her and she was desperately wanting my grandfather to be there in that moment.  She and the children made it though the night and the week.

 Weeks later my grandmother received a letter that was from my grandpa. She said that when she opened the letter she couldn't help crying. In it my grandpa said that he didn't know what was happening to her in that moment but he felt very compelled to wake up and get out of his bunk to write her. He wanted to let her know that he was thinking of her and could feel her heavy distress. He went on to encourage her and to let her know how proud he was of her and their family. He also wanted her to know he felt bad that he couldn't be there in her time of need but he was there as he could feel her fear while writing the letter.

As my grandmother was telling me this story tears were rolling down her cheek and she was chocking on the words as she shared the last part with me. My grandpa had written down the time and the date so she would know when he wrote the letter.  With huge tears in her eyes she said that it was the exact date and the time  matched up to what it was on this side of the sea of when she was going through those big emotions of fear.

My grandma passed away in 2008 but I hold the memory of that story in my heart. As I learn more about relationships and the way we all interconnect I understand that not only do we have the capacity to feel those that we love but everyone we come into contact with. Then the thought was that if we as human beings were conscious of the emotional  messages we were sending out with our imprints then we could really change things. What I mean is that our connection to each other is a lot more powerful than I think we even realize.

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