Sunday, September 20, 2015

"Sending Love out Into the World".

Love is something that we have great abundance of when we remember who we really are. Here is a powerful meditation that can be used to send out love into the world.  

  • First find a quiet place where you can sit and relax. 
  • Then when you do find your center and focus your attention on the Heart Chakra.
  • Follow your breath at a regular pace and when you are comfortable breath in white light and release anything that no longer serves you on the out breath. Do this awhile until you feel you have filled the Heart center with white light.    
  • When you are ready place your intentions into a ball of pink rose light for Love inside the Heart Chakra as it is cradled in white light. Give the pink rose light a little time to settle into the white light. 
  • As it does allow the ball of pink rose colored light to grow inside your Heart Chakra so it expands throughout your whole body.
  • Then expand the ball of pink rose light out through your skin and into your whole aura.
  • Sit with the energy of the pink rose light for a while as you place your intention to saturate your whole being with Unconditional Love
  • Then expand the pink rose light out into the world as far as you can go. Each time going farther sending love out into the world and the whole universe.
  • Feel free to stay there for as long as you want.
  • When you are ready bring your awareness back into you heart allowing the pink rose light to continue to encase you for the rest of the day as you ground yourself back into the physical world.   
  • Now you continue to carry love in your aura and physical body as you go about your day sharing it with others. 
Side Note; Remember when you are connected into your Heart chakra you are connected into the All and the energy is flowing through you, not from you so you have unlimited access and are not drained.

Here is a fun website that explains the colors and meanings 

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