Monday, January 11, 2016

Exercise to raise your vibration

Here is an easy exercise that I share with people to help raise their vibration by using Light.

In the beginning you may want to find a place where you wont be interrupted. You can either sit up or lay down. Find what works best for you to get comfortable. When you do then close your eyes and locate your center by going inside and concentrating on your Heart Chakra. It doesn't matter how you do this either by feeling or imagining it but allow yourself a few minutes to find that space within yourself.

Next become aware of your breathing. You don't have to hold it or count bot notice what you notice. This exercise is about you and recognizing when you are connected so take the time to become aware of the subtle changes and what is happening with you as you go through the exercise. After you feel comfortable with the rhythm of your breath then take your awareness into the lower Chakras, Solar Plexus, Second Chakra, and Base, going down through your feet, continuing on out of the soles of your feet grounding into the earth. Some people like to imagine roots going out into the ground. Another way is to take silver cords with anchors and find a place to anchor down. Do what works best for you.

When you feel comfortable then take your awareness back up through the lower chakras into the heart, throat, third eye, and up into the crown Chakra. This is fun as from there you can then go up into the Soul Star. There you can access a golden/white light that is both relaxing and healing. For some you may need to revisit this exercise a few times before experiencing the Light or even seeing it. If it is as far as you get for now don't worry as it is good that you are even practicing it. Take as long as you need to get yourself merged into the golden/white Light.

Once you adjust and are able to experience the Light you can use your intention to take that gold/white light down into your 7 Chakra bodies. You can move it into all seven in one mediation or do a mediation that works on one  Chakra at a time . The choice is up to you. The point is to expose and change the chakras into a higher vibration by using the light. It takes time and is a great way to do light work on yourself. The golden/white light also helps to balance the chakras and cleans them at the same time. When you feel comfortable and want to disconnect then take your awareness back into the heart Chakra and come out of the meditation when you are ready.

With practice you will be able to access the Light and find your center a lot quicker if you find yourself in a stressful situation. This exercise will help you to align with your higher self within a minute or a few seconds allowing you to connect and deal with the situation in a lot more balanced state. This opens up the bigger picture allowing you to see more options when you need them.  

Photographs by Steve Noyce; Marfa Texas

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