Monday, April 11, 2016

Beyond the Physical MInd

Years ago, when I was attending college, my roommate was taking a class in which she gained a revelation. She came back to our dorm room one day to report that she had learned that when the physical mind dies, we no longer exist. I remember being very disturbed about this information and for months afterwards I used to turn it over in my mind thinking about it trying to analyze it. I have to say that the whole idea was downright depressing at the time. Not able to prove or disprove it, though, I filed it away in my memory bank to investigate at a later date. As it happened it wasn't until years later when I was married with two lovely children that I had my own personal experience that disproved this line of thinking without any room for question. It was what I now call the knitting experience. At the time, I was knitting when I lifted out of my body to where my own consciousness detached from my physical form only to merge into the All and into one consciousness.

From this experience I learned that consciousness beyond the physical mind does exist. Not only does it exist on an individual level, it also is a part of a greater consciousness comprised of everything that exists in the universe on a physical and energetic level. The term that most are familiar with is the universal mind or what others may call the mind of God. What is fascinating is that even what most call primitive cultures know about its existence. So why then, are we as an advanced society still questioning it from a scientific  perspective?

I believe it is because we try to think or rationalize everything we know within the limits of our physical brains. But then the question comes up, how else are we to know or investigate it if we don't use our mind? This is when we have to remember that we are multidimensional beings with other abilities that are well beyond the physical experience. Yes, there are those who have faith, but faith can still be blind when we have more then ample opportunities to move forward into knowing that there is more to our own existence then just flesh and bone.

Photographs by Ana

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