Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Spirit Anatomy

Spirit anatomy is something that we are never taught and yet it is a huge deal when we are looking into how we are designed. Remembering that we are both spirit and physical beings we learning that we are more complicated that we ever realized.

As an energy practitioner I find that many people know about the seven basic chakras but didn't know that each of them are connected to a spirit body outside of the physical body. Each sprit body encases the physical body like a glove only in layers. The first chakra is the base chakra which is connected to the etheric body that is an inch out from the body. The first chakra is about the basic necessities and security which are connected to the earth experience. The etheric body is the layer that keeps your spirit in the physical form connected and without it, you would not be in your body. You could call it the bridge that holds you together.

The sacral chakra is connected to the emotional body. The sacral is about the emotional centers in the body that feel passion, intimacy and connect us to ourselves and others through the sensations of the body.  The emotional body is three inches from the body and is all about feelings and emotions. Then you have the third chakra with is the solar plexus that is connected to the mental body. I love this one as it is all about personal power and self esteem. The mental body is located three to eight inches off the physical body. This spirit body is about our mental activity and how we process information.

The astral body is connected to the heart chakra. This chakra is the bridge for the higher and lower planes of energy moving through the physical body. The astral body which is six to twelve inches off the body helps us with our connection to the vibration of unconditional love that joins us to everything on the higher vibrational planes. Next we have the Throat Chakra that is connected to the Etheric Template body. This chakra is about self expression and communication. The Etheric Template is an actual blue print of our physical form.

The third eye chakra is connected to the celestial body. This third eye is about inner vision and intuition. The celestial body is about connection with the other side with symbols and visions with the celestial beings. Then the seventh chakra which is the crown is connected to the causal body. The crown helps us reach higher levels of awareness and consciousness. The causal body is three to four feet from the body which connects us to our higher selves and our connection with Spirit and our
Creator which is All that is.

I have only mentioned a small portion of how the chakras and spirit bodies connect but it is well worth looking into when learning about healing. When we heal we are healing on several layers that are on the mind, body and soul levels that lead us into learning more about ourselves as multi-dimensional beings. If you want to learn more about Spirit anatomy then here are a few books I would like to recommend.

1. The Awakened Aura, by Kala Ambrose

2. Aura Energy,  for Health Healing & Balance, by Joe H. Slate, PH.D.

Photographs by Steve Noyce, California

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