Wednesday, April 28, 2010

In the Heart of Wounds

So this is something I had learned and found to be true. It is that we all have a wounded child living within us. No, not on a physical level although many may accuse others of that. But it is more on a mental or energy level. Yes, I am sure many of you already know about the inner child and some may have done some healing work with it but for those of you who wonder what I am talking about I wish to explain.

How many of us will be having an adult conversation when all of a sudden we get a reaction from the other person that is somewhere in left field? By this, I mean you may have by accident touched a trigger point which takes that other person back somewhere in their childhood that they in someway had experienced a wound. That means that the person you now are talking to is no longer the adult but the child with an open wound.

Now, you then experience a reaction from a child's point of view because the adult has never healed or understood that the open wound still exist therefor your conversation has turned into pouring salt on the wound and the reaction is dramatic. So now you are having this conversation with a two year old, a five year old, a thirteen year old or what ever age that other person had the experience.

This is where your compassion comes in if you are able to recognize that the other person is no longer with you but reliving an experience from their past. First and most important thing is not to take anything they say personally as they are speaking from the heart of their own wounds and if your intentions were not to wound then you are on solid ground. Take a step back and analyze your own feelings with the understanding that they may say something to spark your inner wounds or child.

Allow yourself to take a time out if you need to knowing that what the other person is experiencing is very real to them. Take care of yourself and be gentle with your feelings and emotions as they are not thinking but reacting from a trigger. You may not be in a position to heal them or even make things right but you are in a position to understand where you are.

So many of us have these wounds and we often without thinking speak from these open wounds not realizing the damage that it is causing in ourselves and our relationships with others. As we each become aware and awaken we begin to realize that we have choices and that we can heal from those painful experiences while granting grace to others. This is another small step towards healing and understanding those around us. Although, if we all took such a small step it would change the world around us.


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