Tuesday, April 6, 2010

They say that the eyes are the windows of the soul which was something my father told me when I was a small child. What does that mean? I remember thinking when I tried to understand what my father was talking about. What was a soul and how did that relate to me?

It wasn't until I was much older in life that I was able to sit still enough in a quiet space to feel my own inner being. I was able to feel some of my own essence that I was made out of and it wasn't until I could feel it trying to lift out of my body that I understood that my body and my soul were not the same. Both occupied the same space and yet they were separate.

So what does the soul feel like you might ask? Well, it feels like when you are listening to music that you really like and you can feel a slight vibration inside and outside your body. It feels like a slight tingling inside that moves through out your whole body.

I believe that is why we truly love music is that it is able to vibrate within our bodies simulating the same sensation that we feel when we are able to feel what it is like to be who we really are. Yes, there is music that makes us feel not so good and in that case you might get the same sensation when you are around someone that you just don't feel comfortable around.

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