Saturday, April 11, 2015

"Our Heart's Desire"

This past Friday I went to visit some of my artist friends who are showing their work at the Main Street Art festive in Fort Worth, TX this weekend. As I was looking around one of the artists who I met last year came up to me and started to talk about a conversation we had and how much it had affected him. He then went on to say that it was about the power of what we say and how it was connected to our heart's desire that made the real difference. As I listened to him it was nice to have that subject echoed back to me as my own soul needed to hear what we had talked about because of the changes that I am thinking of making in my own life.

He told me that after our conversation he decided to make the conscious effort to look at what he really wanted in life and how it was connected to what he really was feeling, thinking, and saying. He said that by being aware of matching the energy that he was putting out to his heart's desire, his whole life made a dramatic shift. He was then able to manifest what he wanted as it all seemed to quickly drop into his life.

As I walked away later after visiting for awhile I thought about my dad who liked to give lectures on the power of our own words and what we said spilled out the inner struggles inside of us. Often we don't even realize that our words don't match up to what we want in our lives therefore releasing into the universe that we are not ready to create what we want. If energy follows thought then we are only canceling out what we want to manifest. After leaving I decided to file it away in my memory bank to return to it when I had more time to work on myself as I felt like this was something worth revisiting.

Saturday evening after having a lovely dinner out with my family we decided to go to the bookstore as a treat as we all love to read. My attention was immediately drawn to a book called Magnetizing Your Hearts Desire, by Sharon A Warren M.A. Laughing at the coincidence I picked it up and thumbed through the pages thinking that if something like that dropped into your lap it might be the universe trying to bring it to your attention on some level. Still thinking that it was funny I thumbed through the book only to read a few pages realizing that I felt an energy resonating inside me almost pulling me in to read it. Listening to that feeling I made the connection that something was really going on with me so I picked it up along with a novel and went to find the rest of my family which had scattered throughout the bookstore.

Later in the evening I started to read the book and discovered that not only did it talk about the subject of changing our thoughts, feelings and words but also how to use magnets to demonstrate how the concept of attracting what we want and how it was repelled. I thought using the magnets was an ingenious idea as it physically helps to understand the whole idea of lining it all up. As I read on I again became aware of a physical tugging inside of my energy field as if wanting to match up with some of the changes I was still thinking of making in my own life. It felt a lot like what I felt in the bookstore when I picked up the book. I then realized that it was time to make those changes and then gave thanks for being shown that I needed to pay closer attention.

Photograph #1 by Ana - Modern Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX
Photograph #2 by Ana - Cowgirl Museum, Fort Worth, TX

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