Thursday, February 26, 2009

Notes on an Empath

What is an empath? It is a person who shares great empathy with someone, something, or someplace. To me it is a little like being autistic, as the emotional and energy around people floods the senses of the person taking it all in. It can be quite overwhelming and emotional de stabling to those who are uninformed on what it is.

Being an empath is something that many people share in common and if properly informed and trained they can become very successful in the professional world. A person who uses these skills and knowledge can be quite good at reading others and the situations around them. The business world can be a whole different ball game as these talented individual use their skills. You will also find that they are are highly sought out in high profile jury selections.

Children who are exposed to highly unstable home situations develop this skill as a survival technique. These children learn quickly how to read their environment and people around them to see if it is a safe place for them to be in.

While still there are others who are just born with the door wide open and if they grow up in a family who does not understand what the child is going through, may most likely label them as highly sensitive. Gifted? You got that right, you may be dealing with a very gifted child who has the ability to read others and environments like an open book.

So often children and adults are misdiagnosed who are put on drugs and given therapy that only mask a true talent of their soul. Often these highly skilled people will turn to alcohol, television, and other forms of addiction to mute the fine tuned signals that they are receiving.

Like all gifts it is good to be exposed and trained on how to use these talents by someone who understands and can help explain what is happening. It can be an overwhelming experience if the individual can not separate their true feelings from what they pick up from others and the space around them. When I say space, I mean that energy can be held in an environment where trauma or something that has happened that stirs up the peace.

Think about it, haven't you had the experience of walking into a boardroom or a room where your senses go up and you know something has happened there? Or you may have walked into your home where your parents were fighting and you thought to yourself that something is wrong? Well then multiply that times ten and you know what it is like to be an empath.

We all agree that we are multi sensory but what do we truly know beyond our hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching? What is it about this gift of the senses that we are afraid of?

So often we contribute these behaviors as being someone who is manic depressive, but that can be measured and eliminated on a scale of testing. So that means these highly gifted individuals are often misunderstood because the rest of us are not as developed. It is we who are handicapped, as we can not see into the world past our own five senses.


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