Monday, April 13, 2009

The Ties That Bind

Amazing, how we can go through life and not know how to intimately connect with ourselves and others. We are completely left at the mercy of our own ignorance. Who teaches this stuff? Where do we go to learn the very basics of connecting with each other and life?

Often times we go to our religious leaders and professionals to learn this but I find that many of them as they move through the motions are only learning about it themselves. So where do we go to fill in the gaps as we find ourselves falling in between the cracks?

As I search I have personally come to understand that many of us are on the path of seeking answers and asking questions. It is by asking questions that we began to sift through the many answers to find the truth that bears meaning to explain what we are experiencing and feeling.

I guess for many of us it is first overcoming our fear of learning the basics of tools that allow us to grow and cultivate ourselves. It is also through our learning and sharing with each other our amazing experiences and stories that bring an encouragement which allows others to find comfort in our trials and tribulations while sharing this earth.

It is with the great intent of love for each other that we break our ties that bind us from our fears so we may move on to greener pastures. This allows an opportunity of growth as we discover new possibilities in expanding our awareness of being.

So often we dismiss our inner voice or have it tuned out as we move forward down the path of our life journey. We forget about what it is like to feel our very own spirit and know the love and energy that surrounds us.

It is the fear that binds us and keeps us tide up from acknowledging our own inner experiences of learning. The fear of being different or strange only stops us from connecting to a higher sense of self and our higher source.

Yet, what if we cut these ties releasing our inner fears and allowing ourselves to express ourselves, as the true gifts of the spirit moves within us? What if we learn how to move on this earth without the pain and suffering that we impose on ourselves and others? Does this mean that we will have to change how we live? And to what extent does it change our lives while infecting those around us?

Each of us seem to have a purpose as we affect each other's lives with both positive and negative waves of our state of being. So here is the test. What is the tie that binds you?


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