Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Healing Energy

I was visiting with a beautiful person this weekend, and as we were in a class together, the discussion of Reiki came up. I picked up, somewhere in the discussion, that they were a little uncomfortable with what we were being introduced to. It was then that my thoughts went back to a conversation that I had with my Mom on the phone on what Reiki was all about.

The really neat thing was that she was the one who described it to me to where it really made sense. She called me up one day and said that she had a realization that Reiki was really another method of prayer. I, being myself, said, "Oh and how so?" To which she replied, that Reiki was laying of hands and sending out healing energy to surround, heal and protect someone who was in need.

Reiki is sending energy from the Holy Spirit or Spirit, however you believe, to bring only the highest good on someones behalf. The best part is that you can't get it wrong and send negative energy because your favorite
team lost that day. It does not come from you.

Reiki is a beautiful energy created by our Creator that surrounds those who need it. It works on the same level as prayer, only without words or verbal communication. It is just another form of praying over someone for healing. For those of you who are feelers, or pick up energy, will love this form of healing as it heals you by moving though you as the human conduit.

I think that people who are afraid, because of religious backgrounds, really don't understand where the energy comes from and how it works, as it is no form of magic. If anything, it is a connection with the Creator and an amazing experience for those who facilitate it and those who receive it.


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