Monday, April 14, 2014

"And the Meek Shall Inherit the Earth"

There seems to be an incredible energy around certain people that we come in contact with that have the ability to change, and inspire other people's lives without them even realizing they have touched so many. These people when you are in their presence you know, and sense that you have been blessed as their energy seems to lift you up all the while changing the frequency patterns in your cellar structure to a much higher level. I am not talking about desire, or even infatuations with other people, but a recognition that you are in the presence of someone very special. What you will find is that these individuals seem to be humble to the core yet carry a sense of great integrity, and compassion for themselves. and especially others.

I had the privilege to come across one of those unique individuals when I was doing an art show in Fort Worth, TX this past weekend. The person that I am speaking of surprisingly is only a few years older than my oldest daughter. He is a new artist who was also showing his art at the festival which is where I got to know him. As I talked to this twenty five year old young man I recognized when he spoke that I was meeting someone very unusual.

Since I have been working with energy, and studying with my teachers I couldn't help asking him some of the age old questions that have been posed by the Sages to people who are spiritually awaking. What surprised me was that he knew the answers to all the questions, but not because he studied them, or read about them. He knew by his own personal experiences explaining to me how he had understood the meaning of the questions by what had come to him when when going through them in great detail.

During the weekend as we shared a space to show our art I was able to witness others who would walk up, and hug him just happy to be in his presence. Then others would engage him in long conversations. Even my son who came to the show one day, and is known for being an introvert spent an hour talking to the young man about life, and school. The energy in the room as a whole changed drawing people in. I even noticed that people that I knew who dropped by to say hello were different when they left recognizing the shift of the energy within themselves, and around them as it was contagious.

It seems that when we are in the same room with others who are deeply gifted it changes us when we come into contact with them. It not only changes our mood, but seems to change us on a cellar level that stays with us until we add another program to our energy patterns. What I was reminded of was that when we are in our own integrity, and live in the higher frequency levels we inspire those around us, and help raise the energy levels on our planet. It is a wonderful place to live in when we experience those higher levels, and are able to be apart of those amazing frequencies. Now I understand the power in the statement when it is said that, "And the meek shall inherit the earth".

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