Friday, April 4, 2014

Healing Energy

In 2004 I was running with a friend, and my left foot hit a pothole which jabbed my leg up into my hip.  I remember that the pain dropped me to the ground, and it took a few minutes to catch my breath to recover. My friend was concerned, but I felt silly so I just decided to walk it out. A few hours later I was not any better, and my husband suggested that we go have the Doctor check it out. After a few x-rays we were told that I had bursitis in that part of my hip from an old injury and I had aggravated it when I jammed it. Later I discovered what it felt like to have bursitis when the weather changed as my hip would throb with pain.

I had also started to develop arthritis over the years in my hands from knitting, and crocheting something I really enjoyed doing. The pain was not incapacitating, but I noticed it was there making my hands feel stiff as pain would shoot through them. I had to stop all my fun projects of knitting, and crocheting all together sparing my hands from the ordeal.

 In 2007 I started to study QiGong, and Tai Chi. I also learned Reiki, more for stress management than anything else. It was a few years later when I was in a class where a women was describing her pain with bursitis that I felt this great deal of compassion for her as I understood what she was talking about. That is when I made a mental check of my body trying to locate where mine was. The funny thing is that I couldn't find it. When that happened I remembered my hands, and started to check them looking for the arthritis. It was also gone. My mind raced trying desperately to figure out when was the last time I felt that pain. It was then that I realized that I didn't remember when all of the pain had left me. To this day I don't have any pain, or problems with my hip, or my hands. I now crochet, and knit to my heart's content.

Knowing what I do know now.
.. I have learned that the energy that I was moving through my body with all the energy work had healed both my hands, and my hip.

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