Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A Life Review

A month ago I was driving home from an errand on a road that I have traveled thousands of times when I noticed I was suddenly aware I was not fully in my body. As I searched for an answer, I realized that my awareness was just a few inches outside of my body and was settled nicely in a few layers in my energy field. I have to admit that was amazing because I could access information that was not common knowledge for me.

What I mean by that is we all have different layers of energy fields that surround our bodies. Each energy field serves a purpose in holding information for the physical body. Energy programs are first manifested in the energy field then transferred to the physical body. This not only includes information about our physical bodies and cellular structure, but also holds the archives of our lives journey. It was the archives that I suddenly was able to access for a few seconds.

I was suddenly able to experience myself from the outside looking inward and in that one moment, I saw, felt, and understood who I was not just on a physical level but also on a spiritual level as I was able to experience life on my spiritual journey too. It was a life review through which I participated in everything while feeling and experiencing everything at once while completely understanding all of it. It was there that I found approval from myself on my own path I was taking in my life journey. It was strange as I was able to recognize that I was on the correct path and once I did, I found myself right back in my body, driving down the road and waiting for my brain to catch up with what had just happened to me. It was incredible!

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