Thursday, May 21, 2009

The sin eater

Have you ever wondered why when you think you are finished with something and all is well and then it keeps popping up? In fact it is almost like a nightmare as it just doesn't pop up but multiplies.... This is when you think to yourself that someone upstairs is trying to tell you something.

I think for all of us we have that same nightmare as we often see it in the movies when the villain dies and then keeps jumping out with the knife. You get that thought of, OK, die already. As each time you think it is done and it repeats it's self. I know I have this issue when I am not taking care of the things I need to face.

I think it can be so easy for us to put unfinished business in a box and place it under the bed. Oh.... I don't recommend this as it will cause you nightmares if you put something with major emotional trauma under the bed both physically
or mentally. It is only by taking the bull by the horns and wrestling it to the ground knowing it you are going to get dirty and might get a little scratched.

I know for me I thought that after I made the decision to work on my personal healing and spiritual growth that all would be smooth sailing. Not a chance....
it seems that the things that I packed away for another day, have come back for a second round.

Meaning as one of my friends said one time when I was leaving behind a very difficult situation. "Ana, I don't need to know what happened but what ever it is you need to learn form it and it will not come back and knock you in the head."

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