Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Gift of Intention

I love this time of year because we are all getting ready for the holiday shopping to give gifts to the many people in our lives. And all of this has me thinking of the many type of gifts and the many meanings that are attached to them. We give gifts this time of year because of the Spirit of the season, but do we stop and think about what the intention is behind the different gifts we give?

Now lets change the meaning of the season over to a deeper perspective...... We give gifts to people because we love them. We give gifts to people out of guilt. We give gifts to people to get something back. We give gifts to people to get out of things and say I am sorry. We often give gifts to others for the main purpose of tying some type of payment from the other person or we just feel sorry for them.....

The whole idea of gift giving is what is inside the heart. The intention as one of my Teachers tells me, "what are the true intentions behind a gift?"
Is the gift something of value and meaningful to form the heart of the person who gave?

The true value of the gift is what is in the givers heart. The intention of the gift. That is what will

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