Friday, November 21, 2008

Soul Separation

There is something you may have heard of but might not really paid attention to and that is soul separation or better known as soul loss. Let's get into the term and what it means before you decide that it is something scary.........

Soul loss is about having a dramatic experience or trauma that makes you feel like you have lost something of yourself. Have you ever said, " I don't feel like myself today"? Maybe you said," I am just not all here"?

Now with that in mind, think about an experience or situation where you gave away your personal power or someone else took it. Maybe something happened to you that was really bad. It doesn't matter whether it was a physical experience or an emotional experience the body records it all the same.

If you talk to someone who has been physically abused or emotionally abused the body is taking notes on the whole experience and as the drama plays out a little piece of the soul will often times separate from the body to go to a safe place to escape the pain to survive. This process is called soul loss and has been recorded by millions of Therapist and Psychiatrists around the world.

There is nothing unnatural about it because it is the way we were created to survive by the great Creator Himself. When a piece of the soul separates from the body sometimes it returns and we began to move though the pain to heal so that we can deal with what happened to us. But often times it does not come back and we feel pain and loss when we revisit the trauma or we simply don't remember what happened.

It is because of the latter that we need to find someone who can journey back with us to the trauma and help us find ourselves so that we can begin the healing process. Once this happens we will begin to feel like we are whole again and our loss of personal power will start to mend. Self esteem will grow and feeling that we have purpose and will to do as we were created.

If for any reason that you feel like you have lost a piece of yourself to someone or a situation don't blow it off but honor yourself by aknowledgeing that this has happened and find someone who can help you. You will be much more of a Blessing to loved ones and others if you are

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