Saturday, November 29, 2008

On the Sunny Side

I had to laugh at myself as I ordered a plate of eggs and the waitress asked me how I wanted them cooked. Instantly, I had a flashback of my childhood as a small child, waking up with my Dad and playing at the table while he fixed the coffee and breakfast for our family. Mom used to try to get that extra wink of sleep before getting up and caring for me and running a working ranch in Presidio, Texas. That gave my extra father time to paint and write during the day.

I used to love all the things he cooked for breakfast except when he cooked the sunny side up eggs whose yoke always ran all over my plate touching the other food and contaminating it with its yucky slime.

I am not sure what happened that day because Dad was always on my side but he and Mom decided I needed the extra protein and that I should eat my eggs. It then became a force of wills of who would win and anyone messing with a five year old knows what that is like. I sat there for at least an hour looking at those things looking back at me. Gaging on one bite and waiting for the dog who was excused from the kitchen to disobey and bail me out... Not a chance....

Next my thoughts my thoughts shot over to an expression my friend only recently told me as she was going though a though time in her life.... "Ana, How do you eat an elephant? " "I don't know," I replied. "The answer is, ONE BITE AT A TIME." This is so true with any hardships that we are faced in life.....

Then I heard the Waitress asked again, "How do you want your eggs cooked?"
"Oh," I said, "why Sunny side up of course."


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